In honour and in memory of a loving mum.
A mother’s love is plain to see. Although I don’t remember thee.
I know you loved us all so true for I can see so much of you.
You were taken from us way too soon, but your loving spirit, helped us all to bloom.
You see mum……I may not had the honour to walk by your side, but you live within us all inside.
Six little children, created with your your love, your spirit and a light that shines bright from above.
You provide us with hope knowing you are there, for the warmth from you is everywhere.
I know you are watching, spreading your light for you show up in our dreams at night.
You help us through the darkness when we sometimes lose our way and you look down to remind us……you are always there to stay.
Mum we love you millions and miss you so much. I know you are listening for you deeply care for us.
You help us all with strength it’s true..we will always be a part of you.
I will sign off now filled with love and appreciation. A fantastic caring mum like you will always be here, with your guidance and love always sincere.
Rest in Peace our wonderful mum proud to know your children have become one.
Written by Carol Harte (c)