Placing loved ones into the hands of care homes is an awesome responsibility that, in the coming years, more and more of us will need to do.

When we know that 99% of all UK care homes have a resident who’s been abused by a “carer”. The only thing we can really be sure of is that the title “carer” can’t be anything more than a job description – and that “care home” is a misnomer far more often than it is a valid description.

And yet, true care is precisely what we looking for and should be entitled to expect … that the “carers” in a “care” home will provide the love and care for our relatives that they richly deserve if we no longer can.

There is currently no easy way to choose suitable care homes … no relevant metrics, no choices that have clearly better track records than the rest.


In what is truly a world-first, CQE has developed a Care Home rating system that really does take the guesswork out of making the right decisions about care-home placement.

CQE’s rating system is called “The Loving Care predictor” – or TLCp© for


When care homes adopt the CQE system, their carers take the CQE Survey every 3 months. The TLCp© system uses the survey to produce a TLCp© score. Only care homes with TLCp© scores greater than 70% have the atmosphere of loving care that CQE deems THE essential prerequisite for any truly caring care-home.


Few people know that, in industry happiness surveys carried out by Lord Mark Price (formerly a minister for business), that the Healthcare industry came bottom out of the UK’s 25 key industries – with a score of 46%. By comparison, the happiest industry in the UK scored 76%. CQE now represents the top end of the happiness scale with scores of 92% or more.

When you consider that Happy Carers make for Happy Residents you realise that high happiness scores really are quite something!